Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Dutch Oven and Delicious No Knead Bread

I had seen this "No Knead Bread" recipe a year ago in the Williams-Sonoma catalog and really wanted to try it, but didn't have a dutch oven. I recently received a beautiful dutch oven for my birthday and coincidentally a foodie friend of mine posted about the same "No Knead Bread" here. I loved the "no knead" method. The bread took a long time to rise, and made me anxious. Sometimes I like instant gratification. I was dreaming about it at night and throughout the day. Luckily the bread was delicious. I added rosemary from my new rosemary bush I bought in L.A. A few things to remember for next time: I should probably use more flour to make it shape more nicely. The directions said to use as little flour as you can. I also think I baked it just a tad too long. It didn't distort the taste, but the texture on the outside was a little too tough. The inside was moist and delicious. This bread was like those "artisan" breads you get at the bakery. How cool is that? You can make your own at home, pat yourself on the back for being a demi-artisan break maker :) The bread would be especially tasty dipped in balsamic vinegar and oil. I also want to try to make it with a wonderful grilled cheese sandwich recipe which involves mozzarella, Havarti, basil, tomato and honey. DELICIOUS! Let me know if you tried the recipe and how it turned out.

My Dutch oven. Don't you love the color?

Have a delicious day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited that you've started a food blog! Welcome to the club! :-) Thanks for the shout out!
